We require a deposit in advance to secure your order. Please see deposit amounts noted on bulk beef and pork price lists.
Feel free to stop by our farm stand or come to the Litchfield Farmer’s Market if you wish to pay cash or use a credit card.
Checks may be mailed to the address below with your full name and contact information included for reference.
164 Wigwam Road
Litchfield, CT 06759
We will seamlessly arrange butchering at Plymouth Meats, the same location where our animals are humanely slaughtered under USDA supervision. Whether you are an experienced chef or can’t tell the round from the ribs, we are more than happy to walk you through the cut sheet and customize your order from the butcher. As a guideline, carrying out a standard cut sheet results in roughly 30% steaks, 30% roasts/slow-cook cuts, and 40% ground.
Access & download via link above
Access & download via link above
Bulk beef and pork prices are based on hanging weight, which is the skinned carcass minus the head and offal. The meat yield will depend on how you have the cow or pig butchered; as in, the more bone-in cuts, the higher the end weight, and vice versa. Hanging weight is roughly half live weight, and usually meat yield is approximately 70% of hanging weight. For example, a 1200 lb. live weight cow becomes 600 lbs. hanging weight and yields about 420 lbs. butchered meat.